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       Point #1 (Squint Entertainment Records, 1999)
  1. Point #1
  2. Prove To You
  3. Mia
  4. Skeptic
  5. Anticipation
  6. Dos
  7. Long
  8. Blank Earth
  9. Sma
  10. Peer
      Wonder What's Next (Epic Records, 2002)
  1. Family System
  2. Comfortable Liar
  3. Send The Pain Below
  4. Closure
  5. The Red
  6. Wonder What's Next
  7. Don't Fake This
  8. Forfeit
  9. Grab Thy Hand
  10. An Evening With El Diablo
  11. One Lonely Visitor
       This Type Of Thinking (Could Do Us In) (Epic Records, 2004)
  1. The Clincher
  2. Get Some
  3. Vitamin R (Leading Us Along)
  4. Still Running
  5. Breach Birth
  6. Panic Prone
  7. Another Know It All
  8. Tug-O-War
  9. To Return
  10. Emotional Drought
  11. Bend The Bracket

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